Getting ready for Winter

Weather is changing indeed, and sadly quite drastically. Here in Europe we have had a very long Summer, hot weather, sun and and hardly the need of wearing coats. End of October and not heating on? When have I lived that? All of a sudden within a night, my car was covered in frost and coat, scarf and gloves were definitively needed! Even though my head thinks of "I need to be writing about Autumn" , I cannot stop thinking about Winter, Cold and Christmas (that is also the stores fault!!). 

Couldn't  helped adding a  winter post, packing away my Summer clothes and I will be honest starting to prepare my Christmas to do list! But we need to think and reflect on why this is happening. and act soon, little things do help! For products that help us to look after the environment click on the next links.
Save the ocean  and No plastic
Plate and glasses from Lombok


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