
This is the time for Hydrangeas, the most wonderful ones. These is also the time where they dry well so you can enjoy them all year round. Dutch Hydrangeas are green, round in shape and compact and due to the density and diameter of the flower, these are a good type to dry. The colour of the leaf is important as the greener they are the less moisture they have got in their leaves, therefore, easy to dry and last. The more intense colour petals are,  the harder they are to dry as the leaves will wrinkle slightly.

How to dry them? Simply strip off the leaves, hang them upside down , not near the heating or arrange them in a vase with a tiny bit of water and leave them to dry.

These are one of or favourites as they last all year and make amazing centrepieces in any dinner, especially now with the countdown to Christmas!

Which are your favourite ones to dry and use in your decorations?

Hortensias tableware - Los platos de pan.


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